Saturday, November 25, 2006

Vampires Vampires Vampires

I am posing a question to the HBBB. I am reading a book having a lot to do with vampires and it got me thinking about what kind of music one associates with vampires and other scary-esque things. I have a couple of things in mind, but invite you to post in the comments anything that comes to mind and maybe we can compile the best submissions and throw up a top ten list. So sink your teeth in.... (sorry too hard to resist).


shrimpcracker said...

"Vampire Blues" from On The Beach

I'm a vampire babe
Suckin' blood from the earth

No Name said...

The Vampire Lanois - Afghan Whigs.

No Name said...

Sleepy Vampire - Supersuckers

Anonymous said...

Scariest soundtrack ever: Goblin - Suspiria