Friday, September 08, 2006

Top Ten Books/Authors

Hendo's List:
1. Maurice Sendak - Where The Wild Things Are
2. Mark Twain - Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn
3. H.A. Rey - Curious George
4. Dr. Seuss - Everything
5. Norton Juster - The Phantom Tollbooth
6. Roald Dahl - The BFG
7. Margaret Wise Brown - Goodnight Moon
8. Bill Waterson - Calvin and Hobbes
9. Crockett Johnson - Harold and The Purple Crayon
10. Stan Berenstain Berenstain and Jan Berenstain - All Of The Bernestain Bears Books

Disco Stu's List:
1. James Joyce - "Dubliners"
2. JD Salinger - "Raise High The Roof Beams Carpenters/Seymour: An Introduction"
3. Ernest Hemingway - "The Complete Short Stories, Finca Vigia Edition"
4. Stephen Crane - "The Open Boat and Other Tales"
5. John Updike - "Rabbit Run"
6. John Cheever - "The Enormous Radio And Other Stories"
7. Jorge Louis Borges - "Labyrinths"
8. Thomas Mann - "Death In Venice"
9. Gabriel Garcia Marquez - "Love In The Time Of Cholera"
10. Nathaniel West - "Miss Lonelyhearts"

JoseReyesMVP's List:

10-Lester Bangs
9 - Roger Kahn- The Boys Of Summer
8- Anthony Bourdain- Kitchen Confidential
7- Tommy Womack- The Cheese Chronicles
6- Jim Bouton- Ball Four
5- Ed Linn- Veeck As In Wreck
4- Michael Azerrad- Our Band Could Be Your Life
3- Ken Kesey- One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
2- Ted Williams- The Science Of Hitting
1- Hunter S. Thompson

Break Me Off A Piece Of That Kit Kat Bar's List:
1. Michael Ende - The Neverending Story
2. Julia Alvarez - In The Time Of The Butterflies
3. Isabel Allende - The House Of The Spirits
4. Amy Tan - The Joy Luck Club
5. Laura Esquivel - Like Water For Chocolate
6. Dante Aligheri - The Divine Comedy
7. Giovanni Boccaccio - The Decameron
8. JRR Tolkien - The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
9. Geoffrey Chaucer - The canterbury Tales
10. Umberto Eco - In The Name Of The Rose
Honorable Mention - Special Mention: Ul de Rico - The Rainbow Goblins
Honorable Mention Poets - Octavio Paz, Pablo Neruda, Gwendolyn Brooks

Edna Krabappel's List:
1. Sula--Toni Morrison
2. Interpreter of Maladies--Jumpa Lahiri
3. Blindness--Jose Saramago
4. Wise Blood--Flannery O'Connor
5. The Beautiful and the Damned- F. Scott Fitzgerald
6. God of Small Things--Arundhati Roy
7. The Alchemist--Paulo Coelho
8. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close- Jonathan Safran Foer
9. Snow Country--Yasunari Kawabata
10. If I Die in a Combat Zone: Box Me Up and Ship Me Home--Tim O'Brien
(11. The Outsiders--S.E. Hinton)

Collin York Ashmead Bobbitt III Esq.'s List:
1. The Phone Book
2. Tight
3. Juggs
4. Homer - The Odyssey
5. James Joyce - Ulysses
6. Ludwig Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
7. Anthony Burgess - Clockwork Orange
8. Jack Kerouac - On The Road
9. William S. Burroughs - Naked Lunch
10. William Patrick - Saving Troy

EzRock's List:
Jonathan Franzen - The Corrections (Most depressing characters)
Michael Chabon - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (Most GRE words)
Michael Azzerad - Our Band Could Be Your Life (Most fetish like)
Michael Lewis - Moneyball (Most activating of formerly DOA interests)
Stephen Jay Gould - Hen's Teeth, Horse's Toes (Most times I've ever said ohhhhhh while reading)
Neil Gaimon - Neverwhere (most geeky)
F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby (most revered by folks smarter than me)
Nick Hornby - High Fidelity (most horny)
Richard Dawkins - The Selfish Gene (most groundbreaking in my little world)
Bill Waterson - The Indespensible Calvin and Hobbes (most everything good in the world)

No Name's List:
1. Rabbit Angstrom - The Four Novels - John Updike
2. Mr. Hemingway esp. The Sun Also Rises/A Moveable Feast
3. The Naked And The Dead - Norman Mailer
4. From Here To Eternity - James Jones
5. The Ground Beneath Her Feet - Salmon Rushdie
6. Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
7. Confederacy Of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
8. The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
9. American Psycho - Brett Easton Ellis/The Secret History - Donna Tartt
10. Bleak House - Charles Dickens
Honorable Mentions: Long Days Journey Into Night; Ulysses; Albany
Trilogy; All The King's Men; Sound & THe Fury; Orlando; A Death In The
Family; THe Things They Carried; Empire Falls; Ira Sleeps Over; Huck
Finn; Wll Self
1. HST - esp. the multi-volume collection of his letters
2. Last Train To Memphis/Careless Love - Peter Guralnick
3. David Halberstam - Anything
4. Calvin Trillin - Food Trilogy
5. Dispatches - Michael Herr
6. A World Lit Only By Fire - William Manchester
7. Battle Cry Of Freedom - James McPherson
8. The Rise of Teddy Roosevelt - Edmund Morris
9. What It Takes - Richard Ben Cramer
10. Hammer Of The Gods - Stephen Davis
Honorable Mention: Sarah Vowell - read her while imagining her
actually speaking the words doubles the fun; Gay Talese

Bonanza Jellybean's List:
1. Hunter S. Thompson: The Rum Diary
2. Ernest Hemingway: The Sun Also Rises
3. Hunter S. Thompson: Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas
4. Tom Robbins: Still Life with Woodpecker
5. Tolkien: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
6. Tom Robbins: Villa Incognito
7. Tim O'Brien: The Things They Carried
8. Norman Mailer: Tough Guys Don't Dance
9. Ernest Hemingway: Garden of Eden
10. Tom Robbins: Even Cowgirls Get the Blues


Anonymous said...

how indulgent and not rock 'n roll

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous how about you go fuck yourself now.