Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Get that man on a stamp!.......er.....coin?

It was announced today that Duke Ellington will be commemorated on a coin. He will be the first African American to appear solo on a coin. It's hard to argue with this decision. Maybe they'll get Joey on one next? (or Roy??)

Here's the CNN story

I took a course on Duke whilst at college, and he wrote some amazing music. He may not be among my top few jazz musicians, but it is impossible to deny the fact that he had a massive impact on the direction jazz took over the course of his career.

Here's a song from one of his extended pieces/concept albums later in his career, The Far East Suite:
Duke Ellington - Mount Harissa



Anonymous said...

Glad yr back at this! Burnt Hills and Ralph White are playing this upcoming Monday in Albany if you are feeling adventurous or if you know anybody up here that would dig it! Pax, Phil

pasd137 said...

Hey Phil, thanks a lot. Monday may be tough for me but I'll definitely send the word out. You guys book some interesting shows to say the least. Is Ralph White solo anything like the bad livers?

Anonymous said...

I've just heard a couple myspace tunes. Way more stripped down and lonesome than the Livers. Pax, Phil